SDG 6.5.2. Transboundary Cooperation

Indicator 6.5.2: Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation.

As noted in Chapter 12, transboundary interactions over shared water resources are often complex and multi-faceted, and typically include both cooperative and conflictual elements. This indicator focuses in on institutions and information, which are known to play a key role in facilitating transboundary cooperation. The key word in Indicator 6.5.2 is operational, which the UN defines as having four components:

  • There is a joint body or mechanism in place for transboundary management (e.g., a river-basin organization, RBO).
  • There are at least annual meetings between riparian countries.
  • A joint or coordinated water management plan has been established or joint objectives have been set.
  • At least annual exchanges of data and information take place.
map of water cooperation: surface water

Indicator 6.5.2 status (surface water). Blue: 90-100%; green: 70-90%; yellow: 50-70%; orange: 30-50%; red: 0-10%; gray: no data. Source: UN Water.

Given that countries often are involved in more than one transboundary basin, country values for this indicator are based on what percentage of their transboundary area meets the criteria above. For surface water (this map), the picture is relatively good, although data are not available for many important basins/countries in South America, Africa, and Asia.

map of water cooperation: groundwater

Indicator 6.5.2 status (groundwater). Blue: 90-100%; green: 70-90%; yellow: 50-70%; orange: 30-50%; red: 0-10%; gray: no data. Source: UN Water.

For groundwater, on the other hand, the picture is much worse (see map). Transboundary aquifers are poorly understood and are seldom managed cooperatively, with some notable exceptions.